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Kick-start your career with an Access to High­er Edu­ca­tion course

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An Access to Higher Education Diploma at Wiltshire College & University Centre can help prepare people without traditional qualifications for study at university.

Studying an Access to Higher Education course at Wiltshire College & University Centre has allowed one student to continue to pursue her dream career as a vet.

Elizabeth Newman, 21, finished her post-16 studies without the necessary qualifications to enrol on a veterinary-related course at university.

However, after completing an Access to Higher Education Diploma at WCUC this academic year, she has been offered a place to study at the University of Bristol from September.

The Access to Higher Education Diploma is offered a WCUC’s Salisbury and Trowbridge campuses and is a qualification which prepares people without traditional qualifications for study at university.

Elizabeth explained: “My dream job is to be a vet and studying the Access course was the most suitable course to allow me to go into that. I have now been offered a place at Bristol from September and I am really looking forward to starting.

“I always wanted to work with animals, and I did a couple of post-16 courses at Lackham but I didn’t have the grades I needed to get into university – whereas the Access course is seen quite well at universities so that is why I chose to do it.

“I didn’t enjoy school and I hate exams. A big part of the Access course is assignments rather than exams. That is what I prefer so it is another reason that it appealed to me.”

The majority of Access students have to balance their course studies with employment, and Elizabeth believes the camaraderie between the group and shared goal of university progression has enabled all off them to flourish.

“Overall, the course has been really enjoyable. It has been really in-depth and interesting, and the staff have all been really good as well. I would definitely recommend the course,” said Elizabeth.

“We are a really close group and some of us have become really good friends. It can be tough to balance work with studies but you just have to keep going, and all of us are here because we want to get to university so we all help each other out.”

Find out more about Access to Higher Education courses at WCUC here.

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