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High­er Appren­tice­ship offer for Col­lege stu­dent after suc­cess­ful Indus­try Placement

Louis Johnstone, a student at Wiltshire College & University Centre, has turned his Industry Placement at accountancy firm Mander Duffill into a Higher Apprenticeship.

A Wiltshire College & University Centre Business and Finance student has been offered a Higher Apprenticeship role following a successful Industry Placement with his employer.

Louis Johnstone will continue his progression towards becoming a full-qualified chartered accountant by combing work and studies with Chippenham-based accountancy firm Mander Duffill.

Louis, aged 19, has been studying the Association of Accounting Technicians Level 2/3 Fast-Track course at the Chippenham campus and undertook a placement with Mander Duffill as part of his course.

Having originally planned to move onto university after leaving the College this summer, Louis will now continue his studies via a Level 4 apprenticeship.

Louis explained: “I had two offers from university but when I got the offer for the apprenticeship it just sounded better. You get paid while you learn and it is perfect for the route I am doing. I will get on-the-job experience while getting the same qualification I would at university.

“I had a really good time during my placement at Mander Duffill. I looked at accounting, including things like bank reconciliations and tax worksheets, and learned everything to do with personal tax and tax brackets. I also helped other staff members complete their general day-to-day tasks.

“The placement really helped me and now Mander Duffill have offered me a very good apprenticeship, which is really exciting. I am going to do my Level 4 programme and my chartered accountant exams with them and I am very pleased to get the opportunity.”

Louis joined the College in 2019 to study a Public Services course but later decided to pursue a career in accounting and finance, something he is well on the way to achieving.

“I’m hoping to become a fully-qualified AAT accountant, so I am really pleased this has worked out the way it has,” said Louis.

“I have thoroughly enjoyed the course. It is right up my street with what I want to do and where I want to get to. It really fits my strengths and uses things I like, such as maths, software and logically thinking. If you’re willing to put a lot into it, you will get a lot out of it.

“The staff were a big help too. You really do need to listen to what they say and ask for help when you need it but the main thing is to put the hard work in yourself, be dedicated and be focussed.

“Everything has gone well for me. I have enjoyed every part of the course and it has all paid off because it has given me something at the end of it.”

The AAT Level 2/3 Fast-Track course is a one-year programme offered at the College’s Chippenham and Trowbridge campus. Further AAT part-time courses are also available at Chippenham, Trowbridge and Salisbury. Find out more here.

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