Wiltshire College and University Centre is committed to providing high-quality education and services. We aim to ensure all learners, customers and other stakeholders enjoy and benefit from their College experiences and are satisfied with the standards of all aspects of the College.
We understand that there may be instances where individuals wish to express their concerns. In such cases, we are committed to listening and responding to feedback from all members of the College community. In dealing with complaints, our aim is to respond efficiently and impartially and to reach a fair, timely and satisfactory outcome for all concerned. In addition to addressing complaints, we actively welcome feedback on positive experiences. We invite you to share compliments about courses, the impact of tutors, and any successes achieved during or after your time with us.
Making a complaint
It is always best to resolve matters as quickly as possible. In the first instance, discuss the matter with the person or member of staff from the area directly involved, this might be your lecturer, tutor, or Head of Faculty.
If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your verbal complaint or you do not feel comfortable complaining verbally, please contact us in one of the following ways:
- By email to CustomerFeedback@wiltshire.ac.uk
- By telephone to 01722344244
- By Post to Deborah Fisher, Trowbridge Campus, College Road, Trowbridge. BA14 0ES
Please ensure you clearly detail the nature of the complaint, the individuals involved, details of your course and student number and any relevant supporting documentation.
Following your complaint
Upon receipt of your complaint, the College will send an acknowledgment within 5 working days, confirming the next steps in the process and will provide details of the complaints procedure. We will investigate your concerns and give you an answer in writing within 10 working days of our acknowledgement email to you.
TELEPHONE: 01722344244
EMAIL: CustomerFeedback@wiltshire.ac.uk
POST: Deborah Fisher, Trowbridge Campus, College Road, Trowbridge. BA14 0ES