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Enrolment 2024

Our enrolment days will take place on the 22nd, 23rd, 27th and 28th August.

Enrol­ment Day is the final part of the process for you to join the Col­lege. It is where we check your results and cer­tifi­cates, con­firm your course choice and make sure every­thing is ready for you to start your course.

In July we will be send­ing out enrol­ment packs and emails with fur­ther infor­ma­tion and details of your appoint­ment slot for enrol­ment. What­ev­er your results are please attend your appointment.

Please make sure you bring any cer­tifi­cates you already have togeth­er with your GCSE or A Lev­el results slips. We will not be able to enrol you with­out these. Do not pan­ic if your results are not as you had hoped, we will sup­port you to iden­ti­fy a course that’s right for you and your aspi­ra­tions. If you are on hol­i­day or unable to make one of the dates, please email admissions@​wiltshire.​ac.​uk and we can make sure your appoint­ment is for a day you can make.

You will be giv­en the date for your Induc­tion Day which will be at the start of Sep­tem­ber, dur­ing your induc­tion you will be giv­en your timetable and will pre­pare to start your stud­ies in the fol­low­ing days.

If you have any ques­tions about your course choice, or if you have changed your plans, please do con­tact our Admis­sions team on 01225 756300 or email admissions@​wiltshire.​ac.​uk.

Course Specific Information

Click below to find details of your course related costs and items you will need to purchase ready for the start of term.

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