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Lack­ham Campus

Set in 1600 acres of Wilt­shire coun­try­side, Lack­ham is the College’s spe­cial­ist cam­pus for land-based study. With an incred­i­ble range of resources and cur­rent­ly under­go­ing a £9million rede­vel­op­ment, Lack­ham is the home of award-win­ning voca­tion­al teach­ing in the land-based industries.

Explore this page to dis­cov­er the resources, peo­ple and past that make Lack­ham a unique place to study.

Agri­cul­ture at Lackham

Lack­ham has been a cen­tre for agri­cul­tur­al learn­ing since 1946. The cam­pus is home to work­ing farms, whose com­mer­cial enter­pris­es include dairy, beef, sheep, pigs and arable crops. Stu­dents on our agri­cul­ture cours­es learn prac­ti­cal skills and under­take rou­tine duties as part of their timetable. Use our Lack­ham farm guide to find out more.

The Ani­mal Centre

Lackham’s new­ly refur­bished Ani­mal Cen­tre is home to a wide range of domes­tic and exot­ic ani­mals, includ­ing mar­mosets, rac­coons, chin­chillas, spi­ders, snakes and a wide range of birds and fish – to name a few! Not only do our stu­dents learn from these ani­mals, but take prac­ti­cal care of them in a rota of duties along­side trained staff, ensur­ing an unpar­al­leled and immer­sive learn­ing expe­ri­ence.

The Ani­mal Cen­tre also includes a dog groom­ing par­lour and a rehom­ing cat­tery run with the Blue Cross.

Grounds and Gardens

As an RHS-cer­ti­fied train­ing cen­tre, Lack­ham has an abun­dance of indoor and out­door teach­ing facil­i­ties for hor­ti­cul­ture. At the heart of Lack­ham is the Walled Gar­den, a series of green­hous­es and the Zoo­log­i­cal Gar­den. And with 1600 acres of land encom­pass­ing wood­lands, wet­lands, sports pitch­es and ameni­ty lawns, there is no end of out­door space for our stu­dents to learn in.

The Lack­ham Shoot

The run­ning of a com­mer­cial shoot under­pins the cur­ricu­lum in Game and Wildlife Man­age­ment. Stu­dents buy in pheas­ant poults, rear their own ducks or par­tridges, man­age the game habi­tats and con­trol pest species which pre­date game. which are released in the sum­mer. As essen­tial on such a busy estate, these prac­tices fol­low the high­est stan­dards of safe­ty and welfare.

A num­ber of shoot days are sold on the open mar­ket. Guests enjoy a full day’s shoot­ing, which is organ­ised by stu­dents and includes a for­mal lunch in Lack­ham House. The sea­son ends with a tra­di­tion­al beater’s day’ for the stu­dents, reward­ing their hard work through­out the season. 

excep­tion­al and inno­v­a­tive approach to prac­ti­cal teach­ing, learn­ing and assess­ment which results in excel­lent pro­gres­sion and achievement

AOC Bea­con Awards 201819

New Developments

Lack­ham is cur­rent­ly under­go­ing £9m worth of rede­vel­op­ment fund­ed by an invest­ment from the Swin­don and Wilt­shire Local Enter­prise Part­ner­ship (SWLEP). Some of the new devel­op­ments include:

AgriTech Cen­tre

When com­plete, the cut­ting-edge AgriTech Cen­tre will become the cen­tre­piece of Lack­ham. Posi­tioned right at the heart of the cam­pus, the build­ing will host state-of-the-art tech and sci­ence teach­ing facil­i­ties, and a media dis­play wall with a live feed of data, sta­tis­tics and visu­als from the new Robot­ic Dairy at Home Farm.

Ani­mal Centre

Com­plet­ed in Spring 2020, the impres­sive new Ani­mal Resource Cen­tre fea­tures zoo-stan­dard enclo­sures for Lack­ham’s wide range of ani­mals. Not only does the cen­tre pro­vide attrac­tive, high-wel­fare envi­ron­ments for our ani­mals, but the new facil­i­ties give stu­dents the chance to expe­ri­ence work­ing and learn­ing in a real indus­try environment.

Robot­ic Dairy

Lack­ham will see a new robot­ic milk­ing par­lour join­ing its 140-cow dairy unit at Home Farm, which will become the class­room for the College’s new High­er Nation­al Diplo­ma in Dairy Engi­neer­ing, devel­oped in part­ner­ship with T H WHITE and DeLaval. The Par­lour will fea­ture mar­ket-lead­ing DeLaval robot­ics and soft­ware. To find out more about this inno­v­a­tive course, click here.

Uni­ver­si­ty Lev­el Teach­ing Centre

In the first phase of devel­op­ment, the two upper floors of Lack­ham House were trans­formed into a mod­ern teach­ing cen­tre, with a ded­i­cat­ed com­mon room for uni­ver­si­ty lev­el stu­dents along­side new com­put­er suites and class­rooms. Lack­ham offers var­i­ous uni­ver­si­ty lev­el cours­es in Ani­mal, Agri­cul­ture and Envi­ron­men­tal Sci­ence – browse these cours­es here.

Find out more

Memberships and Accreditations

Land­based Tech­ni­cian Accred­i­ta­tion schemes (LTA)

The Col­lege works with the LTA with the objec­tives of pro­vid­ing a nation­wide means of bench­mark­ing, mon­i­tor­ing and assess­ing the com­pe­tence of tech­ni­cians employed with­in the sector.


Lan­dex is a mem­ber­ship organ­i­sa­tion which links land-based col­leges togeth­er. Wilt­shire Col­lege & Uni­ver­si­ty Centre’s Prin­ci­pal is the vice-chair of the Lan­dex Board. The aims of Lan­dex are to com­mu­ni­cate best prac­tice between col­leges and to assist with ensur­ing that stu­dents get the best pos­si­ble learn­ing experience.

Nation­al Land Based Col­lege (NLBC)

Wilt­shire Col­lege & Uni­ver­si­ty Cen­tre is a mem­ber of the NLBC and the Prin­ci­pal is a board mem­ber. NLBC is an employ­er-focused organ­i­sa­tion, and was estab­lished to pro­mote knowl­edge and skills as the focus for increas­ing the pro­duc­tiv­i­ty of land based busi­ness­es. In part­ner­ship with City and Guilds, NLBC seeks to ensure that land-based qual­i­fi­ca­tions and cours­es are designed to meet the needs of both stu­dents and employers.

Lack­ham House, a stun­ning, Grade II list­ed Geor­gian manor house, is an ide­al venue for host­ing con­fer­ences, cor­po­rate events and func­tions of all kinds. Fol­low the link for more details of the facil­i­ties, includ­ing prices and availability.

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