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Trow­bridge Campus

At our Trow­bridge cam­pus we offer a wide range of voca­tion­al and cre­ative cours­es, from Foun­da­tion lev­el through to full hon­ours degrees.

All of our cours­es are deliv­ered in bespoke, indus­try-stan­dard facil­i­ties, giv­ing our stu­dents the prac­ti­cal skills, tech­ni­cal knowl­edge and work-based expe­ri­ence to thrive in their career of choice. 

The cam­pus is home to a pro­fes­sion­al the­atre, the Arc, as well as a restau­rant, hair and beau­ty salon and motor vehi­cle work­shops that are all open to the pub­lic. We also have con­fer­enc­ing facil­i­ties avail­able. Explore this page to find out more. 

The Arc Theatre

The Arc The­atre is a pro­fes­sion­al space used by tour­ing com­pa­nies as well as our stu­dents to put on musi­cal and the­atri­cal pro­duc­tions. Tick­ets are avail­able from the Trow­bridge cam­pus recep­tion, at the Box Office 45 min­utes before the start of every show or online. The Arc is also used to run class­es and clubs. For more details, please fol­low the link.

The White Horse Restaurant

The White Horse Restau­rant is a stu­dent-run restau­rant open to mem­bers of the pub­lic once a week. Our Cater­ing and Hos­pi­tal­i­ty stu­dents expe­ri­ence life in the indus­try right from the start, train­ing in pro­fes­sion­al, indus­try stan­dard kitchens on cam­pus, and put their train­ing to the test by serv­ing food to pay­ing cus­tomers at The White Horse Restau­rant. As well as food ser­vice, stu­dents learn how to make hot and cold drinks, take orders, serve food and pro­vide excep­tion­al cus­tomer ser­vice, all under the super­vi­sion of our trained staff.

The Aspire Acad­e­my of Hair and Beauty

Stu­dents on our cours­es in Hair and Beau­ty learn in our Aspire Salons. Light, bright and wel­com­ing, the indus­try-stan­dard salons are ful­ly equipped with a range of pro­fes­sion­al equip­ment and lead­ing brands such as Der­ma­log­i­ca, L’Oréal Pro­fes­sion­nel and Jane Iredale, giv­ing stu­dents the oppor­tu­ni­ty to learn in a real salon envi­ron­ment using high-qual­i­ty products. 

The salons are open to the pub­lic, with all treat­ments pro­vid­ed by super­vised stu­dents and offered at a rep­re­sen­ta­tive rate. To find out more about the Aspire Salons across the Col­lege or book an appoint­ment, fol­low the link.

Other Facilities

Art and Media

The cam­pus is home to a fan­tas­tic range of cre­ative arts pro­grammes for school leavers, includ­ing Art and Design, Games Devel­op­ment, Film, Media, Music and Per­form­ing Arts. 

Deliv­ered by expe­ri­enced, spe­cial­ist tutors in our indus­try-stan­dard work­shops, class­rooms and stu­dios, our cours­es are a great intro­duc­tion to the cre­ative industries. 

The media divi­sion is home to a ded­i­cat­ed Mac Suite, a chro­ma key (green screen) pro­duc­tion stu­dio and spe­cial­ist games devel­op­ment suites equipped with the lat­est soft­ware. Art and Design stu­dents use a range of stu­dios, a dark room facil­i­ty and 3D work­shop, print screen work­shop and fash­ion and tex­tiles stu­dio, as well as the oppor­tu­ni­ty to use com­put­er rooms with access to a range of cre­ative software. 

Stu­dents on the Foun­da­tion Art and Design pro­gramme have access to a spe­cial­ist facil­i­ty in their own build­ing, which includes light and spa­cious stu­dios and ded­i­cat­ed indi­vid­ual work­ing spaces. 

Con­struc­tion Centre

The new con­struc­tion facil­i­ties at Trow­bridge, in their own ded­i­cat­ed build­ing at the rear of the cam­pus, are designed for teach­ing trades includ­ing plumb­ing and gas, car­pen­try and join­ery, brick­lay­ing and elec­tri­cal instal­la­tion. Taught by expe­ri­enced and knowl­edge­able tutors, our stu­dents learn in real­is­tic train­ing envi­ron­ments with indus­try stan­dard equipment. 

Motorve­hi­cle facilities

The large motor vehi­cle work­shops at Trow­bridge are home to a range of vehi­cles for stu­dents to learn and train with, from fam­i­ly hatch­backs to HGVs.

The work­shops also house a diverse range of indus­try-stan­dard equip­ment includ­ing hydraulic lifts and ramps, fault-find­ing diag­nos­tic equip­ment, air con­di­tion­ing machines, pow­er and hand tools and CAD soft­ware. Stu­dents learn about a wide range of vehi­cle sys­tems from spe­cial­ist tutors with indus­try expe­ri­ence and knowledge. 

Mem­ber­ships and Accreditations

Con­struc­tion Indus­try Train­ing Board (CITB)

The CITB is a part­ner in the Sec­tor Skills Coun­cil for the con­struc­tion indus­try in Eng­land, Scot­land and Wales. Its job is to work with indus­try to encour­age train­ing, help­ing build a safe, pro­fes­sion­al and ful­ly qual­i­fied work­force. The Col­lege trains CITB appren­tices in con­struc­tion-relat­ed subjects. 

Our Trow­bridge cam­pus is ide­al­ly sit­u­at­ed just a short dri­ve from the busy coun­ty town of Trow­bridge and the A36 and A350 routes through Wilt­shire. Our facil­i­ties are a great envi­ron­ment to host your meet­ings, events and con­fer­ences, with access to ICT and AV equip­ment and a range of rooms of vary­ing sizes and lay­outs to suit your requirements.

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